Site Recovery Manager Install, Configure and Manage V6.1

This two-day, hands-on training course equips experienced VMware vSphere® administrators with the knowledge to install, configure, and manage VMware vCenter™ Site Recovery Manager™ 6.1. This course also equips vSphere administrators with the knowledge how to write and test disaster recovery plans that use vCenter Site Recovery Manager.


• Summarize the components of Site Recovery Manager architecture
• Install Site Recovery Manager software
• Describe the principal disaster recovery topologies that are used with Site Recovery Manager
• Configure inventory and resource mappings
• Describe the storage replication options that are used with Site Recovery Manager
• Describe VMware vSphere® Replication™ functionality
• Describe the vSphere Replication architecture
• Deploy and configure vSphere Replication for use with Site Recovery Manager
• Build Site Recovery Manager protection groups based on vSphere Replication
• Build, edit, execute, test, and remove a recovery plan
• Perform a planned migration
• Perform reprotect and failback using Site Recovery Manager and vSphere Replication


– Course Introduction
• Outline the necessary information to effectively undertake this course
• Identify resources for additional information
• Outline an overview of Site Recovery Manager

– Overview and Architecture
• Examine disaster recovery options with Site Recovery Manager
• Describe Site Recovery Manager integration with VMware vSphere® Web Client
• Discuss Site Recovery Manager features
• Analyze Site Recovery Manager storage policies and integration options
• Discuss how Site Recovery Manager supports several disaster recovery topologies
• Identify use cases for Site Recovery Manager across various scenarios
• Compare disaster recovery with VMware vCloud® Air™ and Site Recovery Manager

– Installing Site Recovery Manager
• Identify the necessary components to deploy and use Site Recovery Manager
• Describe prerequisites for installing a Site Recovery Manager server and the associated database
• Describe prerequisites for the Site Recovery Manager database
• Discuss requirements for VMware ESXi™ hosts and virtual machines with which Site Recovery Manager operates
• Install the Site Recovery Manager software
• Describe the Site Recovery Manager site-pairing process
• Define the credentials required for Site Recovery Manager site pairing

– Configuring Inventory Mappings
• Outline the importance of inventory mappings
• Examine configuration options for inventory mappings
• Outline the importance of placeholders

– Storage Replication
• Describe array-based replication
• Describe vSphere Replication
• Compare Site Recovery Manager storage replication options

– Deploying Replication
• Describe storage replication adapters
• Describe the process for adding an array manager in Site Recovery Manager
• Explore vSphere Replication architecture
• Examine vSphere Replication functionality
• Formulate use cases for vSphere Replication
• Deploy a vSphere Replication appliance
• Configure vSphere Replication appliance settings
• Configure a vSphere Replication appliance connection
• Deploy a vSphere Replication server
• Register a vSphere Replication server

– Configuring vSphere Replication
• Configure vSphere Replication for virtual machines
• Explain the importance of datastore mappings
• Describe vSphere Replication recovery point objective scheduling
• Describe the vSphere Replication disk transfer protocol

– Building Protection Groups
• Define protection group functionality
• Examine the differences between array-based protection group, protection groups based on vSphere Replication, and storage profile protection groups
• Create a protection group
• Discuss protection group settings
• Remove protection from a virtual machine
• Create a storage profile protection group

– Building Recovery Plans
• Discuss recovery plan concepts
• List recovery plan steps
• Discuss network planning
• Discuss customization options in recovery planning
• Recognize Site Recovery Manager alarm options
• Outline how to implement a recovery plan
• Investigate recovery plan options
• Describe the customization of recovery plans

– Testing and Running a Recovery Plan
• Discuss use cases for Site Recovery Manager
• Describe planned migration
• Identify Site Recovery Manager workflows
• Discuss the importance of VMware vSphere® VMFS resignaturing
• Examine Site Recovery Manager integration with various vSphere technologies
• Outline how to conduct a recovery plan test
• Perform recovery plan test execution
• Identify the effects on the storage layer during recovery steps
• Review recovery plan reports
• Explain a recovery plan execution in planned migration or disaster recovery mode
• Understand storage layer changes for plan execution types
• Identify the recovery steps for each execution type
• Describe how to reprotect a data center
• Examine failback steps


vSphere administrators, architects, system engineers, and systems integrators who are responsible for the deployment or management of vCenter Site Recovery Manager.


2 Days