The value of IoT can be found within the analysis of data gathered from the system under observation, where insights gained can have direct impact on business and operational transformation.Through analysis data correlation, patterns, trends, and other insight are discovered. Insight leads to better communication between stakeholders, or actionable insights, which can be used to raise alerts or send commands, back to IoT devices. With a focus on the topic of Exploratory Data Analysis, the course provides an in-depth look at mathematical foundations of basic statistical measures, and how they can be used in conjunction with advanced charting libraries to make use of the world’s best pattern recognition system – the human brain.Learn how to work with the data, and depict it in ways that support visual inspections, and derive to inferences about the data. Identify interesting characteristics, patterns, trends, deviations or inconsistencies, and potential outliers. The goal is that you are able to implement end-to-end analytic workflows at scale, from data acquisition to actionable insights.Through a series of lectures and exercises students get the needed skills to perform such analysis on any data, although we clearly focus on IoT Sensor Event Data. If you choose to take this course and earn the Coursera course certificate, you will also earn an IBM digital badge.